“Desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow through it” 1 Peter 2:2.

Here the word of God is telling us to have a desire for God’s pure truth, found in the Bible. We should make it a daily practice to feed on the good Word of God. As we can see from this scripture, this desire and habit will cause us to grow. That is what God wants; God wants mature Christians that are ready to serve Him. As we grow, we will become powerful in faith and powerful in spirit, which will work out in our lives.

Some people wonder why they can’t have faith for healing. Yet they feed their bodies three hot meals a day and their spirits one cold snack a week. Just imagine if an elite athlete only fed their body once a week. It would not matter how talented or gifted they were, it wouldn’t matter how hard or often they trained, soon they would be left behind in the field.

We as Christians need to learn that our strength is in the Word and as we feed on it, we will digest it and it will go down and nourish our inner man. This word in us will transform us and cause us to walk in the Spirit. When we are in the Spirit we are unconquerable, going from victory to victory, our life becomes hidden with Christ in God. The secret of having more faith is to know more about God, and God has revealed Himself to us through His Word. Our work is to know Him and He is to be found in His Word, for He and His Word are one. Paul said; “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection”, Philippians 3v10.

Dr Shaun Marler

Empowering you to win in life through Jesus Christ.


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