The Need Meeter

John 10:10 10b I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

My experience has taught me that no man will fully follow Jesus Christ until he settles the issue concerning Jesus’ relationships with his or her need.

A person must first come to the realisation that they have needs that they themselves cannot meet. It is not until they reach that point, that they then can become aware of God, who sent His son into the World to identify with their needs, and give them abundant life!

I met someone who once said, “I may be the exception, I don’t have any needs, I grew up healthy, my parents gave me a nice home and everything I needed, they sent me to Uni, I got a good education and scored a great job, I met and married a lovely wife and have beautiful children. I have never had what you may call a critical need”. Ok then I asked, “But how did you come to know Jesus!” Well he said “Even though I was doing well and my bills were paid, I came to a place where I started to wonder what is life all about. I woke up one day and realized there was emptiness to my life. I lacked purpose, was this it, is this there all is to life, the same old, same old. My wife new Jesus and was taking our children to church. They had what I didn’t have, an immense joy, an immense peace”. They had a reason to live. They new something I didn’t know”.

Well, I said, “You just answered your own question, your need was for purpose and a deep down immense peace, you were empty deep down, Jesus filled the void, He met your need”.

Not everyone presents the same need to God – In the case of that man it wasn’t sickness or lack, mental health or despair. It was a simple feeling of deep down emptiness inside, which God healed and filled.

That man today says that Jesus is more than that need filled, He is more than he can ever expect Him to be, Jesus is above and beyond, His love and blessings and benefits are out of this world.

“Empowering you to win in life through Jesus Christ”
         Dr Shaun Marler


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