I Have the Capacity to Think Big
Proverbs 23:7(a) “For as a person thinks in their heart, so are they.” Or, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” You have the capacity to think big. Only big thinkers will achieve big things. If you can conceive things in your mind and see them in your imagination, you can receive them. “Conceive it, and you can achieve it!” God wants you to think BIG. I have never known God to give a person a small vision. The visions that come from God may ask you to do small things to see your heart, your willingness or your obedience, but when God gives you a vision to achieve something, it is usually always beyond what you could do in your own strength, resources or abilities. God wants you to trust in Him, rely upon Him and look to Him for your supply and source. Remember, God is your resource. If you can think big, then you can do big because your God is big and it is His strength, His power and His ability that will go to work on your behalf. Think big and do big things for God. Pastor Sh...