It's Time

Dear Friends, Family and Partners, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" - Ecclesiastes 3:1 We are entering into exciting times! We need to seek the Lord for His strategies in this new season. This is the time of the 'Greater Glory'! This is the time for the last great harvest of souls before Jesus returns. There is a 'Clarion Call' going out in the spirit realm right now, "it's midnight!" This 'Clarion Call' is an urgent call to prayer and a fresh dedication of our lives to Jesus, to turn again to the Lord, to humble ourselves under His mighty hand, repenting of our sins and believing for a fresh touch and infilling of His Spirit. To allow, and let God be God in our lives and circumstances. It is a time of realigning ourselves to the voice of the Spirit, the Kingdom and the will of God for our lives. God desires the last great harvest of souls to come in, more than we ...