The Fast Way to Power
Dear Partner, Family and Friends, If you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done! - Dr. Shaun Marler Recently I was reading an email from Pastor Col Stringer about the Smith Wigglesworth prophecy over Australia and the South Pacific Islands. Pastor Col said that a lot of people have been asking him about this prophecy of late. I was very encouraged to read Pastor Col's email and I already have a copy of his Smith Wigglesworth book. I have just finished writing a book titled 'The Fast Way to Power'. Many years ago, after spending time with Drummond Thom and Don Gossett, two great Generals of the Faith, now in glory, I prepared a manual for our Bible College on the subject of fasting. This book is based on those notes, that I have taught for many years and personal experience at fasting. Don Gossett and Drummond Thom, personally knew many of last century's great healing evangelist...