“Render to all men their dues. [Pay] taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, and honor to whom honor is due.” Romans 13:7 (AMP) The word honour means: to respect, to revere, to treat with deference and submission and perform relevant duties to. Honouring your man of God is vital in the life of every born-again believer. Even as a Senior Pastor, it is a privilege for me to honour the men of God that I consider my spiritual fathers and mentors. They are life coaches to me on my spiritual journey to success, shining examples of excellence in ministry, men to whom I look for advice, prayer, guidance and leadership. The importance of a man such as this cannot be overstated. Many of us would not be saved from the wrath to come, had it not been for the assistance, support and intervention of our Pastors. We would be ignorant of the Word, were it not for a man of God anointed to teach. Thank God for men who dare to teach the “Word of God”, i...
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