There are some people in the wilderness who don’t have any water yet! Unless someone comes and ministers to them they are going to die in the wilderness, without water. Someone must preach the Gospel to them until their dry areas are made wet!
Proverbs 15 v23 “Everyone
enjoys the right answer, because it brings joy to the person, and how good is a
timely word“ .
There is water in your relationships, there is water in your family,
there is water in your home and in your business. There is water right here in
these words. Water, water everywhere .You only needs to dig some ditches.
Proverbs 25 v25 “Like cold water
to a weary person, is good news from a distant land “.
You don’t have to give up, you don’t have to give in, you don’t have
to quit, because God said, He would fill those dry areas of your life with
water. If you have been going through dry places and wilderness areas for
a long time. Well its time to dig some ditches! God is saying to you, “
Get ready and dig some ditches, because I am fixing to Bless you and your
Latter Day is going to be Greater than your Former!
There might not be any clouds, any wind or any rain, but God is going
to fill those ditches with Water!
2 Kings 3v17 “For thus says the Lord “You shall not see wind, neither will you see rain, yet the Valley shall
be filled with Water”.
God will fill those ditches in your homes, in your marriages and in
your Business with Water. To the ditches of your emotions, He says “Get your
mind ready, get your attitude right, and get your heart fixed. He is about to
open the windows of Heaven and fill those ditches with Water! God Says “I am
going to pour out a Blessing there will not be room enough to receive”.
When you think you just can’t take it anymore. It is then that God
will send you His blessing. Don’t allow satan, to discourage or dishearten you,
thereby stopping the blessing of God from flowing down.
So I dare you
to dig those ditches now! As soon as you are ready and those ditches are dug,
God will fill them with water by His Spirit. There will be no warning
signs, No Rain, No Clouds and No Wind, just water, water everywhere. I dare you to get ready dig those
ditches and regardless of the circumstances, Expect God to fill those ditches
with the life giving water you so desperately need.
- Dr Shaun Marler
Empowering you to win in Life through Jesus Christ.
Empowering you to win in Life through Jesus Christ.
Amen.I'm ready and waiting.