Jesus is the Reason for this Season!
Jesus is the reason for
this season! Remember
whatever you need to win in life has been
provided for you through God's love and
the cross of Calvary. Jeremiah
29:11, "For I know the plans I have
for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to
prosper you and not to harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future."
I know that
you are all extremely busy this time of year
and have a lot to do and many Christmas
cards to read and write. So I will keep
this update shorter.
Report! Last week we had a powerful
meeting on 'The
Blessing'. God gave me great
insight and I released this teaching and
prayed for people, they were touched and
inspired. Three or so weeks ago when I
started this series, I handed out a prayer
card on 'The
Blessing' and I laid hands on
people in the congregation and imparted 'The
Blessing' to them. One lady in our church,
who works as a lender for a bank was called
into a meeting on Friday just gone. She had
no idea as to why she was being called into
this meeting, but was to learn in the
meeting that she was being given a
$13,500.00 per year pay rise. She was
rejoicing and said, "Pastor Shaun, this is
because you imparted 'The Blessing' to me."
Another man, came to church with his son, he
also had received 'The Blessing' prayer,
that day as well. He testified that his son
was given a scholarship to a top football
club worth $2,700.00. If you need the
blessing please contact me, phone in or
send an email and I will call you and I
will pray for you and I will release this
blessing upon your life, in the mighty
name of Jesus.
receiving 'The Blessing' book.
Report! On Sunday we baptized 9 new
people at Margate beach. These new converts
have been going through the New Principles
classes under Pastor Amanda Vesey who
overseas our Bible College, and Pastor Lee
Fenech who overseas our Life Groups and
Children's Church. We pray that every
one of you power on for Jesus! We love
you all very much.
Brian and the iharvest team at Margate
Report. We have continued to give out
food parcels and Christmas hampers to
families in need. We thank you for your
partnership and financial gifts to Harvest
Food Assist that are enabling us to bless
people this Christmas in Jesus mighty name!
Judy Hicks and Bonita.
Report! I am pleased to announce that
our mobile phone App is nearly complete and
will be launched before Christmas. We will
shortly send a link via text message and
email for you to download this App. We have
packed this App with teaching, updates,
blogs, inspirational messages, and tools to
help you win in life through Jesus Christ.
This App will be our Christmas present to
you, it will have the bible in English and
every other major language of the world.
You will be able to let your family and
friends read scriptures that you sit down
and share with them in their own language,
straight out of the bible.
forget to mark in your calendar the David
Taylor meetings, 26th & 27th February
2019 @ 7:30pm. We will send out a flyer
about this next week.
is a time of giving, sharing and loving. We
thank you for all of the prayers and love
that you have shown towards this ministry,
this last year and we believe your best is
yet to come. If you would like to sow into
World Harvest this Christmas season and help
us launch into a very fruitful 2019, please
find giving details below.
I dare you
to keep on winning in life through Jesus
Christ. Remember, if God before you, no one
can be against you.
Ps. Shaun Marler
Apostle World Harvest Ministries
share this update with anyone you
believe would be blessed by it.
Tell others about our ministry and
help us to connect with your friends
and family.
into World Harvest and
reap an eternal harvest,
to empower us to love more,
win more, do more and reach
more for Christ.
Send your best tax deductible love offering.
Please call +61 7 3261 4555 or use the details below to make your donation.
Account Name: World Harvest Ministries
BSB: 034-064
Account Number: 34-6364
Westpac Bank
Or, please go to to make the donation online.
For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; (Isaiah 55:12a)
We love and appreciate your faithful and ongoing support, through financial partnership with this ministry.
‘Team work makes the dream work!’
Send your best tax deductible love offering.
Please call +61 7 3261 4555 or use the details below to make your donation.
Account Name: World Harvest Ministries
BSB: 034-064
Account Number: 34-6364
Westpac Bank
Or, please go to to make the donation online.
For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; (Isaiah 55:12a)
We love and appreciate your faithful and ongoing support, through financial partnership with this ministry.
‘Team work makes the dream work!’
World Harvest Ministries
53 Telegraph Rd Bald Hills QLD 4036
Phone: (07) 3261 4555
Service Times
Sunday 9:30am
Harvest Food Assist
By APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call (07) 3261 4555.
53 Telegraph Rd Bald Hills QLD 4036
Phone: (07) 3261 4555
Service Times
Sunday 9:30am
Harvest Food Assist
By APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call (07) 3261 4555.
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