Year of Abundance
Acts 16: 26, "And
suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations
of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were
opened, and every one’s bands were loosed."
Hi Partners,
Family and Friends,
"Get your gear ready. Find all of your belongings. Find every precious thing to you and pack it because it’s time for a jailbreak! You are being completely freed from all imprisoning thoughts, passions, and desires. Even your dreams will go free. Your life is about to soar into its greatness. The foundation of the prison house will crumble today. The bars will melt, the jailor will disappear, and the liberator’s trumpet will sound for you. Notice that your freedom becomes your ministry. Where you are freed, you free. Where you are healed, you heal. And where you are restored, you restore. I never waste a life. I never lose anything precious. I keep and preserve. I improve and replenish. I heal and mend; so will you. Close your eyes and forget the jail of life. Forget the jailor’s clanging keys. Let your mind be erased and reprogrammed with life. The captive has become the liberator. That’s you, and that’s it."
Copeland has
that this year
is a year of
abundance. I
have been
preaching on
'The Blessing
of Abraham'
and the '100
Fold Return'.
I believe that
God wants us
to increase
our level of
As a mother
carries a
baby, the
closer the
birth date
arrives, the
more the
family and
friends get
excited. In
the same way I
encourage you
to get
excited. I
dare you to
increase your
level of
expectancy by
praising the
Lord more and
more for the
8:22, “While
the earth
remains, seed
time and
harvest, cold
and heat,
winter and
summer, and
day and night
shall not
has promised
us harvest on
every seed we
have sown into
His work. The
Bible promises
us, that part
of the Abraham
blessing is
that we can
receive 100
fold increase,
in the same
year of our
Kerrie and I
and our team
are praying
that you
receive 100
fold increase,
we are
believing that
becomes a
reality in
your life and
business. We
are expecting
to hear great
testimonies of
increase and
Once again,
please read a
that was sent
to me, I share
it to be a
great blessing
to your life.
"Get your gear ready. Find all of your belongings. Find every precious thing to you and pack it because it’s time for a jailbreak! You are being completely freed from all imprisoning thoughts, passions, and desires. Even your dreams will go free. Your life is about to soar into its greatness. The foundation of the prison house will crumble today. The bars will melt, the jailor will disappear, and the liberator’s trumpet will sound for you. Notice that your freedom becomes your ministry. Where you are freed, you free. Where you are healed, you heal. And where you are restored, you restore. I never waste a life. I never lose anything precious. I keep and preserve. I improve and replenish. I heal and mend; so will you. Close your eyes and forget the jail of life. Forget the jailor’s clanging keys. Let your mind be erased and reprogrammed with life. The captive has become the liberator. That’s you, and that’s it."
am very happy
to testify
that Pastor
Brian and his
team led
another two
people to the
Lord this week
during prison
visits. Thank
you for your
prayers and
support for
ministry. One
of our prison
chaplains has
applied to the
Navy, to
become a Navel
Please pray
for open doors
in this area.
have started
to send funds
to Kenya to
build the new
shower block
and toilets at
the Kakamega
orphan school
and home, in
Kenya. We
have also been
able to do
outreach in
India. Thank
you for your
most valuable
prayers and
support. If
you would like
to become a
partner with
our ministry
or help us to
just keep
spreading the
good news of
the Gospel,
you can do so
through the
below. Thank
you for
helping to
send me to
Arnhem Land
for the 'One
New Man'
outreach. We
are believing
for a mighty
harvest of
souls and the
building up
of the Body of
Christ in this
do love you
and appreciate
you and are
believing for
God's best to
manifest in
your life.
Please do not
hesitate to
phone in,
email in or
post your
prayer request
through our
App. We are
together to
see this year
as the year of
the abundant
where the new
shower block
and toilets
are going to
go in Kenya.
Shaun Marler
Apostle World
share this
update with
anyone you
believe would
be blessed by
it. Tell
others about
our ministry
and help us to
connect with
your friends
and family.
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