Last Day Fire! A prophetic word from Apostle Shaun

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8 Hi Partners, Family and Friends, This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday! Pente comes from the number 50. The Feast of Pentecost always came 50 days after Passover. As most know, 5 is the number of grace, favour and divine empowerment. Jesus told His disciples to tarry or wait in Jerusalem until the Spirit was poured out, and they were endued with power from heaven. The disciples were to wait in the place of peace (Jerusalem) for the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, who would empower them to fulfil the Great Commission. The scripture tells us in Matthew 28 and Mark 16, the Lord would work with them, confirming His Word with signs following. The disciples were to wait for this great infilling of power and the presence of God. The...