Praise Power
Dear Partners, family and friends,

"Use Praise Power to dynamite away your problems " - Dr. Shaun Marler
Praise welcomes the Holy Spirit! Praise gives you victory in spiritual warfare!
Many years ago, my good friend, Don Gossett, who is now in glory, use to encourage me to write books. The first book I wrote was 'Praise Power'. I remember Don asked me for a copy of my book because he said he wanted to read it. I replied to him, "But Don, you have written dozen of books on praise and have a great revelation on the subject, and I have learnt so much about praise from you. I don't think there is anything you could learn from my book." To which Don replied, "Shaun, I just love to read everything written about praise."
Don Gossett was a man who not only wrote about praise, read about praise and did extensive studies on the topic, but he was a man who lived the praise life. I have included a picture of my book on praise and a link to where you can obtain a copy below.
I learnt firsthand from that humble but very powerful man of God, Don Gossett, the power in praise. Praise welcomes the Holy Spirit! Praise empowers your prayers! Praise expels oppression and depression! Praise will open your heart to God and all of His heavenly influences. Praise opens the gates to blessing! Praise gives you victory in spiritual warfare. Praise will multiply the presence and the power of God in your life, for God inhabits the praise of His people! Praise changes lives.
I dare you to practice PRAISE POWER today! I dare you to begin to praise God even in your lowest and darkest places in life. Praise will expel the darkness, the doom and the gloom, and it will cause the glorious light of Jesus Christ and the gospel to flood into your mind and soul. Praise is POWERFUL! Jesus said in Matthew 21:16, where he was quoting from Psalm 8:2, how God has given even children the ability to praise, because of our enemies. Praise is a powerful force that arrests Satan and his forces, rendering them powerless.
I dare you to practice for the next seven days a 'Praise Walk' written by my good friend Don Gossett and taken from my Praise Power book, page 125 - 126.
A Challenge for a Seven Day Praise Walk.
DAY ONE: On this first day of your Praise Walk, endeavour to walk through each room of your home praising the Lord with each step. Your Praise Walk objective is to literally saturate and impregnate your life with God’s presence (Psalm 22:3). As you pace and praise, the Holy One shall respond and reside in your praises - richly manifesting His presence. (See 2 Chronicles 5:13 –14).
DAY TWO: Practice the beautiful art of lifting up your hands in praise as you stroll through your home (Psalm 63:3 – 4). The act of lifting up hands to the Lord is a demonstration of surrender to His Lordship. Reach out to Him in loving worship.
DAY THREE: Sing jubilant praises to God. You are commanded to “come before His presence with singing”. (Psalm 100:2). Devote this wonderful day of your Praise Walk to “making melodies to the King” (Ephesians 5:19). It is not the quality of your voice that is important - even a ‘joyful noise’ pleases God! Raise your voice in triumph and glory to God. Magnify the Music-Maker who has put His song of praise in your mouth (Psalm 40:3). He loves to hear you sing to Him - savouring each note and melody.
DAY FOUR: Fulfill God’s expectations of you by continually sacrificing praise to Him. Subdue your senses and discipline your feelings to obey His command “to offer up the sacrifice of praise to God continually” (Hebrews 13:15). Be consistent and bless Him when you feel like it - and even when you don’t!
DAY FIVE: Focus on honouring the Lord for His goodness to you. Enumerate His wonderful works in your life (Psalm 103:1 – 5). Forget not His benefits: bless the Lord with all that is within you for His salvation, healing, protection, spiritual and material blessings. Permeate each room of your home with phrases of praise and thanksgiving.
DAY SIX: Rejoice as you move through your home. Exalt the Lord of Heaven who is your source of joy (Psalm 63:5). While walking, praise Jesus adoringly with a variety of names and titles to describe His character and nature.
DAY SEVEN: Long ago the children of Israel were commanded to march around the walls of Jericho for seven days (Joshua 6). On the seventh day, they were instructed to shout praises to the Lord. When they shouted praises, the walls fell down. On this seventh day of your Praise Walk, shout praises to God... believing the walls, obstacles and oppressions that beset your life will fall down!
We have teams that are currently doing outreach in the state of Queensland, as well as in India and Kenya. If you would like to sow a love offering into this vital work for God's Kingdom, please do so through the details below.
God bless and much love,
Ps. Shaun Marler
Apostle World Harvest Ministries
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