


Dear Partners, Family & Friends, 

Christmas is all about giving. As we approach this Christmas season, let us remember the scripture in John 3:16 that says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." 

The scripture also says, and I like the English Standard Version wherein, Proverbs 19:17 it says, "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and he will repay him for his deed."

You can't outgive God! Time and time again as we go through the Word of God, we see the law of seed, time and harvest. The Father shows us here in His Word in these two scriptures, that it is His divine nature to give. God expects us as His children to be imitators of Him and follow His example. 

God gave the world Jesus Christ and in giving us His only Son, He not only demonstrated His divine nature and His great love but also set the example that we should be givers too. In the act of giving the world His Son, God has reaped many sons and daughters back. Every time somebody gets born again somewhere in the world, God's family grows! 

God tells us here in the second scripture that He expects us to be generous to the poor, however, in that generosity, we are actually sowing a seed of future blessing. God takes personal responsibility for our giving to others, calling it a loan to Him and declaring that He will repay the giver back again, Himself. 

Once again, we see this law of sowing and reaping at work. God loves a cheerful, prompt to do it, giver, whose heart is in their giving. 

Thursday night, I had the privilege of working again with Oscar Micari and team members from New Hope & Hope Point Church, feed, care and give love and a free meal to homeless and street people, in the Caboolture area. In the present economic conditions, people who are struggling to make ends meet are also popping along to these outreaches where they can receive a free meal. 

I had the privilege and the honour to meet a man called Dave, who has put in $20,000 of his own money and 3 years of part time labour (in his spare time), to build and outfit a trailer, fully designed for this street outreach. I was so blessed as he showed me all around this portable trailer that has an inbuilt generator (alone costing $3000), BBQ trays with slide out legs, LED TV screens, portable wind covers to protect the food and BBQ area while cooking. A full professional coffee machine, so that the people are given the best barista coffees. Milkshake makers (I had a chocolate one, myself) sink with water for washing and cleaning up purposes, fridge, storage facility and a sound system for music and microphone for sharing the gospel. 

During the course of the feeding outreach, I shared the gospel and the love of God and our Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, to all who were present. There are always people sitting or standing in the wings that listen to the message. I was greatly blessed as 4 people responded to the message, by giving their hearts and lives to Jesus and one man also sought prayer for the baptism of the Spirit. 

Please pray for Fire Church Brisbane and World Harvest Ministries Outreaches each week, as we continue to touch people's lives and our world for Christ. If you would like to sow into our ministry to help us fulfill our God-given mandate to feed and reach the poor, loving more, winning more, doing more for Jesus, you can do so by sending in your best love gift and seed offering to the ministry now, please find account details below.

Let us become labourers in His vineyard, returning to our First Love for Him by seeking first His Kingdom and winning souls. It's time! I dare you to go fishing with Jesus.

God bless,

Ps. Shaun Marler

World Harvest Ministries

I have written a book on Praise Power, I believe it will revolutionise your life and is designed to empower you to win in life through Jesus Christ. To obtain your copy, google my name along with the title of the book at any online bookstore platform.

World Harvest Ministries has open doors to spread the Word of God and conduct healing rallies in many places. World Harvest Ministries is looking for partners right now to partner with us on a monthly basis or sow one-time offerings into this glorious work of spreading the Gospel in these last days. If you would like to partner with us, please contact us by return email or sow through the bank details below. "Together, I dare you to help us, love more, reach more, win more, and do more for Jesus".

Please share this update with anyone you believe would be blessed by it. 
Tell others about our ministry and help us to connect with your friends and family.


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