More in 24!


More in 24!

Dear Partners, Friends & Family, 

More in 2024 is a prophetic thought, that I believe God has dropped into my spirit for the coming year.  Many people, and nations have had a very difficult year this year and I believe that as we draw closer to the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we will see even more difficult and perilous times in our world.  

It is in these times and in these days, that we all need to pray and seek the Lord more.  We need more of God's goodness, more of His peace, more of His love and more understanding now than we have ever needed before.  The Bible tells us, that in the last days, perilous times will come.  We can see from what is happening in Israel, the Middle East, and our world at large that we are in the last days.  We need to, as God's people, be intercessors standing in the gap and praying for God's peace and God's love to come upon all nations and people in a greater dimension.  We need to see a manifestation of God's love and God's power, greater than ever before.  Demonstrations of His goodness, like we see in the Word on the day of Pentecost, and through the early church.

John 10:10 says, "The thief or the enemy (satan) comes for the purpose to steal, to kill and to destroy."  We can see in our world today and looking back over the last twelve months, there has been tremendous darkness and very trying and horrific times and situations that have taken place all over our world through the nations.  In the last few years, the nations and their people have been through times that we have seldom seen happening before, one on top of another everywhere, at the same time.  

Jesus spoke of these times and what our world would look like in the days before His return.  I believe we are living in the times of what He called the beginning of sorrows.  The prophets of old, spoke and prophesied of these days so that we would not be taken unawares or be ignorant of the devil's devices.  God warned us through His Word of these times; however, He also promised His people hope in these days.  God promises more blessing, more comfort, more goodness and more of His love, as we seek Him. His promise is that He is your Saviour, your Comforter and your Deliverer.  As the days, in the natural and in our world appear darker, He promises to shine brighter and give you and your family peace in a troubled world, during troublesome times.

This is what the true message of Christmas is all about.  It's about eternal hope and eternal joy in a trouble world.  We can turn our eyes upon Jesus, we can look up, putting our trust in Him, by praying for our family, our community and our world.  

Remember, on that first Christmas night, the night that Christ was born as a babe in Bethlehem, that the angels cried, sang and declared peace on earth and goodwill to all people. This is the will of God for our world and your life!  We wrestle not against flesh and blood, this is what the Word tells us in the book of Ephesians, but our wrestle or warfare is with principalities and powers, that are under the control and domain of darkness.  Jesus promises us total Victory in His Name.  You, the church, have authority through the Name of Jesus Christ, what you bind on earth will be bound in the heavenlies.  What you loose on earth will be loosed in the heavenlies.

God is wanting us to pray and intercede more in this coming year of 24, than we ever have before.  In John 10:10, Jesus tells us what satan is about and what he is trying to do, however, Jesus goes on to say, that He, Jesus comes to gives us life and that life more abundantly.  

Once again, this is what Christmas is all about. God's gift to you and to the world is His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that whosoever receives Him would not perish but have everlasting life.  God has given you His Son and His spirit to empower you through His word to win in life.  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers His people out of them all.  

Jesus is coming back one day at the rapture of the church to bring us home to the Father and into the everlasting glory and joys of heaven.  But until that day, God wants you to reign in life through Jesus Christ.  Through your prayers, He wants you to be a peace maker, He wants you to bring heaven to earth.  The church is here to reign and rule and to pray peace upon families, people and nations until Jesus returns.

I believe that as the world gets darker, God wants to shine His light and His love through His people brighter than ever before.  The Church is here to show the world that Jesus, the Christ of Christmas, is the way, the truth and the life!  

Myself and all the team here at Fire Church Brisbane and World Harvest Ministries are praying for you.  We are praying that God would be with you and that His Spirit would comfort you and your family and rest upon you in these days and give you an inner joy and an eternal hope that your best is still to come.  Let us all pray for God's peace, God's joy and God's love be revealed to all people of this beautiful world and that this Christmas would be a time of peace, hope and goodwill to all.  

Let us pray for more of God's love, more of God's power and more of God's goodness to be manifest and all of the attacks of the enemy to be put down under your feet.  Let us pray for God's Kingdom, His love and His will to be carried out more in this coming year, than we have ever seen before. 

I dare you to share the love of God and the joy that it brings, when you know your sins are forgiven, you are saved, and your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life I dare you to share this with your family and your friends. I dare you to become a soul winner, healer and a restorer of the breach to Jesus and His kingdom in 2024.

We wish everyone of you a happy, peaceful, joyous and Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2024.

God bless,

Ps. Shaun Marler

World Harvest Ministries

I have written a book on the 'Secret Place Living', I believe it will revolutionise your life and is designed to empower you to win in life through Jesus Christ. To obtain your copy, google my name along with the title of the book at any online bookstore platform.

World Harvest Ministries has open doors to spread the Word of God and conduct healing rallies in many places. World Harvest Ministries is looking for partners right now to partner with us on a monthly basis or sow one-time offerings into this glorious work of spreading the Gospel in these last days. If you would like to partner with us, please contact us by return email or sow through the bank details below. "Together, I dare you to help us, love more, reach more, win more, and do more for Jesus".

Please share this update with anyone you believe would be blessed by it. 
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