Prayer is a Joy!


Prayer is a Joy!

Dear Partners, Friends & Family, 

Prayer is a joy, even if it starts in sadness or brokenness, it ends in joy. Jesus said in John 16:24 NLT, "You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy." In 1 John 5:19 the Apostle John by the insight of the Holy Spirit reveals to us how satan and his dark forces have enslaved the world around us.

"We know that we are children of God and that the world around us is under the control of the evil one." 1 John 5:19 NLT

Jesus tells us in the Book of John 10:10 NASB, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life and have it abundantly." Jesus promises us whatever we ask the Father in His name, in faith believing, we will receive that our joy might be full. We can see from the above scripture in 1 John 5:19 that the whole world is under control of satan and his demons and as Jesus said, he comes for the purpose of attacking, killing, destroying. It's our job, the believer's job to set the world free in the Mighty Name of Jesus, so that God's Kingdom may come and God's will be done on earth.

In Matthew 18:18 in the scripture Jesus tells us, "what we bind on earth is bound in Heaven and what we loose on earth is loosed in Heaven." Through faith in the word and by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name, you have, we have, authority to bind the kingdom of darkness and its powers and to release the blessings of the Kingdom of God into people's lives and circumstances.

Last night myself, Ps. Cherise and other members of our church attended "Battle Cry" hosted by Internation City Church, a non-denominational, city wide, Brisbane prayer meeting where many church pastors and leaders, dozens of churches and hundreds of Christian believers gathered together in the unity of the faith to cry to God for the healing, prosperity and peace of Brisbane, the Great Southeast and this wonderful land of Australia. Many Christian leaders lead prayer on many of the issues and challenges that are facing our community, family and people today. We broke up into small groups to pray together and seek God for healing on some of the most pressing issues our city and its leaders are currently having to deal with. Together as a large Body of Believers representing the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in Brisbane and its surrounding areas, we prayed in one accord and unity for God's Kingdom to come and His will to be done. 

Our God is a healer God and He promises that where His people dwell together in unity, there the Blessing is commanded, even life forevermore. Ps. Daniel Hagen at the end got to share and pray for the next big combined Christian church event, Awakening Brisbane to be held in the RNA, EKKA Showgrounds, the very place where last night's BATTLE CRY prayer meeting was held. I spoke with Ps. Daniel afterwards and we were both amazed and blessed at how our God orchestrates things. We both said to each other how amazing and what a blessing that this combined churches prayer meeting was held at the showgrounds, and we were rejoicing that this is birthing in the Spirit the great things that God is going to do in our city in the immediate future and in the combined churches meeting, "Awakening Brisbane".

Click this link to register:
 Awakening Australia – They must know! So we must go!

Don't forget to set an alarm on your phone at 7pm to join together in unity with the body of Christ across Australia and the world to pray and declare AUSTRALIA FOR JESUS and a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God and the success of this Kingdom event. 

Please see below some pictures from last night where hundreds of Believers from all over the Great Southeast came together for BATTLE CRY to pray for God's best for Brisbane & Australia.




We invite you to join at Fire Church Brisbane this coming Sunday 16th June at the Best Western Hotel. We will be meeting at 10am in the "Bribie Island Room" on Level 1. Address: 22 Lakefield Drive, North Lakes.


 If you would like to partner with us, you can do so through the details below:

Bank details:
World Harvest Ministries
BSB - 034 064
ACC - 346 364

Thank you for your prayers and partnership in this work to the Glory of God!
God bless,

Ps. Shaun Marler
World Harvest Ministries and Fire Church Brisbane

I have written a book on The Rapture of the Church, I believe it will revolutionise your life and is designed to empower you to win in life through Jesus Christ. To obtain your copy, google my name along with the title of the book at any online bookstore platform.

World Harvest Ministries has open doors to spread the Word of God and conduct healing rallies in many places. World Harvest Ministries is looking for partners right now to partner with us on a monthly basis or sow one-time offerings into this glorious work of spreading the Gospel in these last days. If you would like to partner with us, please contact us by return email or sow through the bank details below. "Together, I dare you to help us, love more, reach more, win more, and do more for Jesus".

Please share this update with anyone you believe would be blessed by it. 
Tell others about our ministry and help us to connect with your friends and family.


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