The Blessing
Hi family, friends and partners,
Hope you are enjoying this week and walking in the
blessings of God. If you are in the vicinity of our
church this Sunday morning, please drop in!
The Lord has given me an exciting new message on 'The
Blessing'. This will be following on and
drawing from the teaching on Restoration and
the Chayil Glory. I am very excited to be
bringing this message on 'The Blessing'. We
will also put snippets of the teaching on Facebook and
Instagram. If you don't follow us, here are the links
for you to go and like us on Facebook and follow us on
The Blessing of the Lord, IT makes you rich and God adds no toil to it. Proverbs 10:22. This Sunday we will have a prayer line and we will start to lay hands on people and speak the blessing over their lives. If you want this blessing spoken over your life, please call in, phone in or email in and we will pray for you. The body of Christ today needs funders and you can be, through the blessing of God, a funder to the body. With more finances we can love more, reach more, win more and do more for Jesus. The bible says, it is more blessed to give than it is to receive. God wants to bless you with more than enough to pay your bills, live debt free and have surplus left over to give to others. God wants you abundantly blessed, so that you can fund the preaching and spreading of the gospel and enjoy your life, living debt and stress free. The Blessing will enable you to live this way.
Good report! Pastor Brian led over fifteen prisoners to the Lord during one of his recent visits. He is receiving testimony letters of encouraging news of men who have experienced the life changing power of Christ and found peace with God. Please continue to pray for the success of our prison ministry outreach.
Praise report! We have now distributed over 7,000 gospel tracts in the last few weeks and we are determined to hit our first goal of 10,000 soon. Then we will strive to hit the next goal of 25,000 gospel tracts delivered to homes in Brisbane. Please pray for these tracts to touch the lives in the homes where they are going. That people would give their hearts and lives to Jesus through hearing the good news of how God loves them and has a plan for their life.
Life report! I am sad to share that G. Sarada, the wife of Raju and co-caretaker of one of our children's homes in India, has passed on to glory due to liver cancer. We are holding the family in our prayers that God would be with them and comfort them in a very real and personal way through this sad time of earthly loss. During the twenty-five long and faithful years thatG. Saradaworked for our Children's home, she came to know Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour and friend. G. Sarada has been promoted to glory and is enjoying the many rewards from her Jesus, for giving her life in serving orphan children, the Kingdom of God and World Harvest Ministries.
We are receiving a special love offering for our mission work in India and for the family of this faithful servant of God. We gave money to the family through the costly medical treatment and funeral expenses. We now want to send them a love offering to help them get back on their feet. If you would like to be a part of helping us, help this family or our general work with these orphan children in India, please contact our office or follow the giving instructions below. Please mark you donation 'Family Support/Orphan Mission Work' and send an email to with details of your donation. Below I have included some pictures of G. Sarada with her family, with the orphan children and recent mission work.
Growth Report! We have formed a strategic alliance with Pastor Jim Kibler of Life Church, Melbourne, Florida. Pastor Jim has great insight into 'The Blessing' and prays an impartation into people's lives to receive it. I will share more on this in future updates, including links to Pastor Jim's website.
We are praying for you! We appreciate your prayers as well. The effective heartfelt continued prayer of righteous people makes great power available as it works through God. Power is made available to change circumstances and meet your needs. Please send in your urgent prayer requests or most needed breakthroughs and we will pray for you!
The Blessing of the Lord, IT makes you rich and God adds no toil to it. Proverbs 10:22. This Sunday we will have a prayer line and we will start to lay hands on people and speak the blessing over their lives. If you want this blessing spoken over your life, please call in, phone in or email in and we will pray for you. The body of Christ today needs funders and you can be, through the blessing of God, a funder to the body. With more finances we can love more, reach more, win more and do more for Jesus. The bible says, it is more blessed to give than it is to receive. God wants to bless you with more than enough to pay your bills, live debt free and have surplus left over to give to others. God wants you abundantly blessed, so that you can fund the preaching and spreading of the gospel and enjoy your life, living debt and stress free. The Blessing will enable you to live this way.
Good report! Pastor Brian led over fifteen prisoners to the Lord during one of his recent visits. He is receiving testimony letters of encouraging news of men who have experienced the life changing power of Christ and found peace with God. Please continue to pray for the success of our prison ministry outreach.
Praise report! We have now distributed over 7,000 gospel tracts in the last few weeks and we are determined to hit our first goal of 10,000 soon. Then we will strive to hit the next goal of 25,000 gospel tracts delivered to homes in Brisbane. Please pray for these tracts to touch the lives in the homes where they are going. That people would give their hearts and lives to Jesus through hearing the good news of how God loves them and has a plan for their life.
Life report! I am sad to share that G. Sarada, the wife of Raju and co-caretaker of one of our children's homes in India, has passed on to glory due to liver cancer. We are holding the family in our prayers that God would be with them and comfort them in a very real and personal way through this sad time of earthly loss. During the twenty-five long and faithful years thatG. Saradaworked for our Children's home, she came to know Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour and friend. G. Sarada has been promoted to glory and is enjoying the many rewards from her Jesus, for giving her life in serving orphan children, the Kingdom of God and World Harvest Ministries.
We are receiving a special love offering for our mission work in India and for the family of this faithful servant of God. We gave money to the family through the costly medical treatment and funeral expenses. We now want to send them a love offering to help them get back on their feet. If you would like to be a part of helping us, help this family or our general work with these orphan children in India, please contact our office or follow the giving instructions below. Please mark you donation 'Family Support/Orphan Mission Work' and send an email to with details of your donation. Below I have included some pictures of G. Sarada with her family, with the orphan children and recent mission work.
Growth Report! We have formed a strategic alliance with Pastor Jim Kibler of Life Church, Melbourne, Florida. Pastor Jim has great insight into 'The Blessing' and prays an impartation into people's lives to receive it. I will share more on this in future updates, including links to Pastor Jim's website.
We are praying for you! We appreciate your prayers as well. The effective heartfelt continued prayer of righteous people makes great power available as it works through God. Power is made available to change circumstances and meet your needs. Please send in your urgent prayer requests or most needed breakthroughs and we will pray for you!
Love and
blessings in Jesus,
Ps. Shaun Marler
Apostle World Harvest Ministries
Ps. Shaun Marler
Apostle World Harvest Ministries
into World Harvest and reap an eternal
harvest, to empower us to love
more, win more, do more and reach more
for Christ.
Send your best tax deductible love offering.
Please call +61 7 3261 4555 or use the details below to make your donation.
Account Name: World Harvest Ministries
BSB: 034-064
Account Number: 34-6364
Westpac Bank
Or, please go to to make the donation online.
For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; (Isaiah 55:12a)
We love and appreciate your faithful and ongoing support, through financial partnership with this ministry.
‘Team work makes the dream work!’
Send your best tax deductible love offering.
Please call +61 7 3261 4555 or use the details below to make your donation.
Account Name: World Harvest Ministries
BSB: 034-064
Account Number: 34-6364
Westpac Bank
Or, please go to to make the donation online.
For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace; (Isaiah 55:12a)
We love and appreciate your faithful and ongoing support, through financial partnership with this ministry.
‘Team work makes the dream work!’
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