Reaching Out
Dear Partner, Family & Friends,

There is a saying that says, "Teamwork makes the dream work." We are all dreaming of a great revival and a billion soul harvest. We are also praying to this end. This we must do, and at the same time, we must go! Go to our neighbours, our communities, our families, our world! In these days of Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns, we have a great opportunity to reach those in our own backyard. Social media, smartphones, emails and modern technology has given us all the ability to be a voice for Jesus!
Jesus said in Matthew 4:19, "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
This is a powerful statement and a promise from our Lord, that if we follow Him, He has the ability to make us expert fishers of people. Jesus died to save the whole world, that includes you, I and our families, from sin, hell and eternal damnation. Hell is real, and for people that die and don't know Jesus, this is where they will spend the rest of eternity. But our Father promises us eternal life through Jesus Christ, and an eternity in paradise, heaven with Him!
I ask you this day, where do you want to spend eternity? Where would you like your family and loved ones to spend their future days, after our time here has come to a close?
John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Somebody shared this precious information with us, and that is why we have given our hearts to Jesus, know Him and have the assurance that our names are written in the 'Book of Life'. But what about our families? What about our workmates? What about your friends? Are you really a friend? If you fail to share your knowledge of the truth with those you love, if you fail to share and testify of the goodness of God to those around you that you consider friends, are you really being a friend?
I dare you this day to pray for those around you and your families. I dare you to ask God to give you opportunities to share His love and His great sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, with them. I dare you to pray to the Lord and ask Him to make you a successful fisher of souls. Become part of His salvation army, by sharing the good news of what He has done. Pray and allow the Holy Spirit to do His part and reveal Christ to those you share Him with.
Just recently, the Lord challenged me to take a road trip and to be led of His Spirit, sharing His love and word with those that He would lead me to and point out. Our family packed up our cars, loaded with Christian material and salvation tracts, and we headed north. Our journey would take us all the way to Port Douglas and back. Along the way, we had the great privileged and pleasure of ministering Jesus, His love and His Kingdom to many.
During our journey, we saw people saved and healed by the power of God. Others were encouraged and inspired by our testimony, to do the same. Now, I dare you to become a soul winner for Jesus and be about our Father's business. The billion soul harvest starts with us, you and me, as we lead them to Jesus, one by one. Let's encourage others to do the same. Please tune in to our live Facebook broadcasts. We are going to be speaking much on the powerful subject of soul winning. We have also started weekly soul winning classes. Contact us if you would like to know more.
We love you and are praying for you and your families, to come into the full saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God bless and much love,
Ps. Shaun Marler
Apostle World Harvest Ministries
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