Look Up, Not Down
Dear Partner, Friend and Family,

As this year is drawing to a close, I want to encourage every one of you to continue to look up, not down or around. When we look around, we see the circumstances. This year has been a very difficult and trying year even heartbreaking for many. During the course of the year, the nations have been affected by plagues, pestilences and other natural disasters. The world's economy has been shaken; many businesses and families have been affected in many adverse ways.
When we look down, we are discouraged. By looking down, we can be disheartened, lose hope and enter into despair. This is not how God wants us to feel, think or live our lives. God does not give us a spirit of fear, doubt or unbelief. God does not want us to look at the circumstances of what is going on in our world and be adversely affected by them.
When we look up, we take our eyes off of the problems and circumstances. By looking up, we can focus on our God, from where our help comes. Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to look up. When we look up we change our focus. By changing our focus, we change our mindset. We need to set our mind on God and the victory He has for us that we see in His Word. The bible says, "the heavens rule in the kingdoms of men." When we praise, lifting up our hands and lifting up our eyes, we make God the focus of our attention.
Psalm 50:23 says, "Whoever offers praise glorifies me: and to him that orders his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God."
When we glorify God, we magnify God. God is bigger than any problem we are facing today. We can see from this scripture, when we praise God, we bring our words into alignment with God and He then shows us His salvation. This means He manifests the breakthrough, the answer, the victory on our behalf.
I dare you for the rest of this year to praise your way through your day. If you have been baptized by the Holy Spirit, pray in tongues and edify yourself. The devil has come this year to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus is waiting to give you life and that life more abundantly!
I dare you to lift up your eyes and see by faith your future in God. The Lord says, "I have great plans for you today." I want to reiterate this, that God is saying, "I have great plans for life in the future."
I want to encourage you that your best is still to come. I dare you to believe that your best years are before you and not behind you. I dare you to praise! I dare you to lift up your hands and shout halleluiah unto God!
Your circumstances need to hear the shout of victory in your voice.
Praise blows the doubts away!
Praise lifts the heavy burdens!
Praise changes your focus!
Praise causes you to enter into the victory!
Let's do what the psalmist said. Let's enter into His gates with thanksgiving and come before Him with shouts of praise! Remember, praise is like sunlight, it causes everything to grow.
God bless and much love,
Ps. Shaun Marler
Apostle World Harvest Ministries
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