Mission Update
Dear Partner, Family and Friends,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you, our partners, for helping us with this important and life-changing work. Your partnership is precious and valuable to us! We are praying for you and I want to encourage you with this word.
Firstly, in Proverbs 11:30, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that wins souls is wise." Secondly, it instructs us in Proverbs 19:17, "He that gives to the poor lends to the Lord and God will repay back to him that which he gave." Thirdly, it tells us in the Word that if we open our hands wide to the poor and give, for this good work, God will never let us fail.
Then in Matthew, God instructs us to visit the prisoners, feed the poor and clothe the naked (Matthew 25).
Prison Outreach Report
I am pleased to let you know Ps. Brian and Judy have been busy doing the work of the Lord. Pastor Brian recently visited Rockhampton, and ministered in the correctional center there. Then in the last couple of weeks, he has held chapel services in correctional centers in South East Queensland, sharing the good news and ministering God's love. Ps. Brian told me, "Men have given their hearts to the Lord and thanked him for his visits and prayers." He has seen lives changed as he continues to do this work on behalf of the Kingdom of God and iHarvest Church.
Soul Winning

Our Awakening Sisters life group led by Pastor Cherise, Elizabeth and Janelle, ministered and handed out over 100 tracts last week at a beach front. Around 6 people gave their hearts immediately to Jesus, some receiving healing prayers. All the ladies from the group were rejoicing, as together they were able to share the gospel.
Harvest Food Assist
Our soul winning/care team have been handing out food parcels to people and families in need, on a weekly basis. People have been very encouraged through their prayers, words and the food that we have been able to distribute because of you, our partners.
International Missions
Bishop Nikolas reports that the work in Kenya is expanding and progressing well. We have been getting positive feedback from the pastors we work with there.
Raj reports from India, that things are starting to open up again as lockdowns and restrictions are being eased. We are receiving reports from around the world, that prayers are being answered.
I want to encourage you and thank you for your prayers for this ministry, our outreaches and teams. Together we can continue to love more, win more, reach more and do more for Jesus.
Please see below recent work from our outreach teams in India, under the leadership of Raj, as they go around the villages helping families with food, hope and words of encouragement.
I dare you to continue to stand with us and to support this ministry, as we believe to see great revival and the greater glory manifest in the nations.
Much love in Jesus,
Ps. Shaun Marler
World Harvest Ministries
I dare you to continue to stand with us and to support this ministry, as we believe to see great revival and the greater glory manifest in the nations.
Much love in Jesus,
Ps. Shaun Marler
World Harvest Ministries
'Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...' James 1.27
Raj took to the streets of India this month, giving out much needed food to the poor and destitute, recovering from Covid-19 restrictions.
Recently, through our ministry and the generosity of our partners, we were able to provide new school bags for orphan school students.
This is a typical celebration of an orphan's birthday. This young girl was able to celebrate her birthday due to the generosity of our partners.
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