Always Pray, Don't Faint
Always Pray, Don't Faint Dear Partners, Friends & Family, Recently, I have been mediating a lot on prayer, how powerful it is, it's importance to God and us as His children, and it's benefits. Prayer is serious business, prayer is Kingdom business, prayer is the business of Heaven. The disciples saw in the life of Jesus His discipline and dedication to prayer and how He communed with the Father God. They knew that the works that Jesus was doing and the success of those works was directly related to His time spent in prayer. They put two and two together, through observation that the relationship, intimacy between Jesus and His Father was bringing forth great fruitfulness. The disciples came to Jesus and requested of Him that He teach them to pray. Think about that for a minute, Selah, pause and meditate that thought. The power of prayer, out of intimacy comes great fruitfulness. Jesus taught His disciples to pray as John had taught his disciples to pray. Jesus wan...