You Open Your Hand Wide & Satisfy the Desire of Every Living Thing


You Open Your Hand Wide & Satisfy the Desire of Every Living Thing

Dear Partners, Friends & Family, 

"You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.- Psalms 145:16

We are already half-way through this year, and so far it has proved to be an exciting year for us at Fire Church Brisbane and World Harvest Ministries. Working with the Fire Churches and other ministries we have been able to send teams as far north as Rockhampton and as far south as the Gippsland's. 

We have networked with other churches and ministries to carry out the great commission. We have also had witnessing teams and encouraged our people to be witnesses for Jesus in their day to day lives to their families, workplaces and travel. 

Much literature has been handed out, and working with other members of the body of Christ, together we have seen many souls saved. Jerry Savelle visited Australia this year and shared a prophetic word to his partners, declaring 'this is the year of the maximum.'

Brother Jerry said, this year, you can receive maximum blessing, maximum benefits, maximum breakthrough. He encouraged us (those present at his breakfast) to do a word study in the Bible on the three words 'every, all, & always'. Speaking from the book of Romans 12:2, He prophetically exhorted us to not settle for what the world settles for, but instead fix our attention onto what God says. 

Psalm 23:6 tells us that goodness and mercy will follow us ALL the days of our life. You can see from the scripture above that God has laid on my heart for you today, that God desires to satisfy your desires. and His hand is open wide towards you to bless you in this way.  In Psalm 37:4-5 it says, "Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass."

So once again, we can see from the above scripture that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, He is going to bless us with our heart's desires. In this year of the max, let us continue to push in for revival now and everything that God has laid up for you to have. God has so many wonderful benefits and blessings instore for your life and He is looking to get them to you. This is expressed in the picture of His open Hand toward you.

 We currently have weekly outreaches where we have teams involved in sharing the gospel with people in the community that are facing challenging times. We have also just collected many blankets and warm clothing which will be distributed this coming Monday night at a soup kitchen to the homeless people that are now living on the streets and in their cars of the Redcliffe community, which now numbers over 500 people homeless. 

We continue to work with our missions in India feeding the homeless there and taking care of widows and orphans. We are 100% committed to spreading the good news and sharing the love of Jesus in practical ways. Each week we continue to distribute food parcels and work in conjunction with other agencies that are helping people and families that have fallen on very difficult times in our current economic environment. 

At the end of this financial year, if you would like to help us in a very practical way by sending in financial contributions it would be greatly appreciated. As you can imagine, just like there is growing demands on households, in the same way there is growing financial demands upon ministries. Your financial contributions are literally helping us to win souls, make disciples, feed the hungry, clothe the naked and minister to those that are in prison. It is our strong desire to love more, reach more, win more & do more for Jesus. Teamwork makes the dream work. Those that are praying and sowing into this ministry are making the dream work for precious lives.

Next week, we will send you photographs of some of the people that we are ministering to and helping both locally and internationally. Together, let's continue to make a big difference for Jesus. Remember, you can't out give God. It's time to see the hundred-fold return and the maximum blessings God has for us. I Believe that as we sow, we will reap. Your giving will trigger your harvest of increase, blessing and return.

I dare you to partner with us TODAY and sow your best seed now. I dare you to go to the maximum with me!

Empowering you to win in life through Jesus Christ,

God bless,

Ps. Shaun Marler
World Harvest Ministries

I have written a book on Praise Power, I believe it will revolutionise your life and is designed to empower you to win in life through Jesus Christ. To obtain your copy, google my name along with the title of the book at any online bookstore platform.

World Harvest Ministries has open doors to spread the Word of God and conduct healing rallies in many places. World Harvest Ministries is looking for partners right now to partner with us on a monthly basis or sow one-time offerings into this glorious work of spreading the Gospel in these last days. If you would like to partner with us, please contact us by return email or sow through the bank details below. "Together, I dare you to help us, love more, reach more, win more, and do more for Jesus".

Please share this update with anyone you believe would be blessed by it. 
Tell others about our ministry and help us to connect with your friends and family.


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