Power to Heal Part 2
Dear Partner, family and friends, “ GOD ALWAYS WAS THE HEALER . He is the healer still, and will ever remain the Healer. Healing is for YOU. Jesus healed, "all that came to Him." He never turned any one away." - John G. Lake In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to His people by His redemptive names, here we see ‘I am the Lord that heals you’ is Jehovah Rapha. The word Jehovah in Hebrew means that God is the self-existent One who is forever, always bringing Himself into existence. He is the Life-Giver, Creator, He who brings things to pass, the performer of His Promises. Rapha in the Hebrew means to heal. To be completely healed, become fresh. Rapha also means, physician. It means to take care of and to be repaired or healed; so we could say that God is the Healer. God who is always bringing His promises to pass in our lives , because it is His divine will, promise and purpose that you be healed, repaired, renewed and ...