Power to Heal Part 2
Dear Partner, family and friends,

In the Old Testament, God revealed Himself to His people by His redemptive names, here we see ‘I am the Lord that heals you’ is Jehovah Rapha. The word Jehovah in Hebrew means that God is the self-existent One who is forever, always bringing Himself into existence. He is the Life-Giver, Creator, He who brings things to pass, the performer of His Promises. Rapha in the Hebrew means to heal. To be completely healed, become fresh. Rapha also means, physician. It means to take care of and to be repaired or healed; so we could say that God is the Healer.
God who is always bringing His promises to pass in our lives, because it is His divine will, promise and purpose that you be healed, repaired, renewed and made whole. Remember, Jesus came to earth to do the will of His Father. He went to the cross and paid the price for your healing, as well as your sins. God wants you well. His desire is for you to enjoy your life and all of the blessings He has provided for us in Jesus, and His Kingdom.
In my early Christian life and still today, I have been influenced and inspired by reading about the lives of the great healing evangelists of the last century. Many years ago, I purchased a book titled ‘Adventures in God’ by John G. Lake.
In this book Apostle John G. Lake shared wonderful and amazing testimonies of God’s healing power. Below, I have shared some portions of the life of John G. Lake from this book and also from the book by Gordon Lindsay, ‘John G. Lake Apostle to Africa’.
I dare you to search the internet or visit your local bookstore and read more about the exciting life and times of John G. Lake. You can also find more about the healing ministry of John G. Lake on the Healing Rooms website. Some of these words quoted in Gordon Lindsay’s book, are John G. Lakes very own words. As you read, you can pick up the heart and dedication of this great man, to Christ and His kingdom, and his overwhelming desire to see people healed. I am sure that, like myself and many hundreds of others, you will be encouraged to reach for God’s best for your life and family.
If there was ever a man who walked in the revelation of "God in man," it was John G. Lake. A man of purpose, vision, strength and character, his one goal in life was to bring the fullness of God to every person. He often said that the secret of heaven's power was not in the doing, but in the being. He believed that Spirit-filled Christians should enjoy the same type of ministry Jesus did while living on earth, and that this reality could only be accomplished by seeing themselves as God saw them. John G. Lake lived his life and fulfilled his ministry in the earth with this type of spiritual understanding. If we would just grasp the reality of our position through Jesus Christ, as Lake did, every nation would ring with the praises of God.
We can see from the above quote, that John G. Lake had a great revelation from the Lord, that God was and always is the Healer!
A Man of Prayer and Commitment
John Graham Lake was a man of prayer and commitment. To better understand the quality of his life, you will want to read his consecration to God. I will put that consecration of his life to God, in my blog next week.
At the 'Lake Healing Rooms' in Spokane, Washington, 100,000 healings were recorded in five years. Dr. Ruthlidge of Washington, D C., called Spokane the healthiest city in the world as a result of Lake's Healing Rooms.
John G. Lake was born March 18, 1870, at St. Mary's, Ontario, Canada. While he was still a child, his parents moved to the United States. At the age of 21, he became a Methodist minister, but later chose to start a newspaper instead of accepting a church ministry.
After his marriage, Lake's wife entered into a prolonged serious illness, but was miraculously delivered under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie in April 1898. This experience forever altered the direction of John G. Lake's life and ministry.
All that he accomplished as a result of his intense regard for the Word of God stands as an example to all Christians of what is possible for any person who will believe and act on the Scriptures.
Below, you can find information on how to purchase a copy of my book, 'Life Changing Principles for Victorious Living'. I dare you to buy a copy of my latest book and research the scriptures highlighted therein. This is a great place for you to start discovering the precious promises of God and the victory that is provided for you in Christ.
Next week I will be doing part three on 'Healing' and we will be looking further into the life and ministry of John G. Lake.
Empowering you to win in life, through Jesus Christ!
God bless and much love,
Ps. Shaun Marler
Apostle World Harvest Ministries
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